Uh Oh, The Pats Have Been Found Guilty Of Deflating Footballs!!!




AHHHHH!!!!! No Super Bowl!!!! WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN?! Look I’m not surprised by this at all, nor do I care. It’s gamesmanship. Rodgers likes his balls overinflated, Tom likes his underinflated. I don’t give a shit either way. You want to be mad at someone? Be mad at the refs. They inspected the balls then touched them every play and didn’t notice a thing. I’m gonna speed unless a cop stops me. The cops didn’t in this case. That’s on them. You wouldn’t blame a team that kept committing pass interference if it wasn’t getting called. Give us our fine or take a few draft picks, whatever you feel like but I really don’t care. Because I’m on to Seattle. See everyone in Glendale. The Bad Boyz of Football bus is rolling on.




PS – Let’s not forget what happened once we got real balls. If the league made sure we had the proper tools at the start of the game this may have been 100-7. Made us play with one hand tied behind our back.

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